This Annual Report is published in the
20th calendar year since our Treaty of
Waitangi claim was settled and justice
and apology were achieved.
While some may argue that the monetary and asset
settlement was insufficient redress for what our
people suffered, our reality today is that we have
been able to move on from our mamae to design
a hopeful, more positive future for our whaanau,
hapuu and iwi.
In recognition of the settlement, tribal leaders of
the day published the 1995 Annual Report in a pack
that included copies of the settlement documents.
This year we have mirrored that approach. I hope
you will enjoy the enclosed commemorative
booklet which chronicles the settlement and the
progress made since that time.
In this Annual Report you will read about the
gains made across a wide range of development
initiatives. While there is always much more to
be done, we are making good progress to deliver
benefits for our marae and members.
Role And Responsibilities
Continued tribal prosperity depends on Te
Kauhanganui providing high level strategic
direction, clear and relevant priorities, and close
monitoring of operational performance.
Whakatupuranga 2050, our 50-year blueprint
for success, articulates and guides our long-
term aspirations and it is the responsibility of Te
Kauhanganui to ensure that those aspirations are
realised. To be successful we must be sure that the
objectives of Whakatupuranga 2050 and the needs
ma x ine moana-tuwhanga i
Teeraa a Matariki kua mooiri kei runga
E wheerikoriko mai raa i te uma o Ranginui
e tuu iho nei
Kia tiaho mai toou maaramatanga ki runga
ki a Tuuheitia
Te hiiringa o te mana whenua, te hiiringa
o te mana tangata
Arahina aku raukura, aku piki taniwha
i te ara tiatia
I maringi ai aku roimata, i hotuhotu
ai taku manawa
Horahia oo painga ki runga ki ngaa whenua
Kia makuru ai te puna kai, kia noho aahuru
ai te puna tangata
Rangitaamirotia ngaa herenga waka ki
runga o Waikato
I hua ai te koorero he piko, he taniwha,
he piko, he taniwha
Manaakitia taku reo poowhiri e mihi
nei ki ngaa huihuinga iwi
E koro maa, e kui maa, whakatau mai,
whakatau mai raa