tribal identity
tribal success
social & economic wellbeing
empowering our people
strengthening relationships
tribal pride
te arataura strategic priorities 2016-2018
te arataura outcomes – one team, one direction
health and well-being
education and training
Tribal members are healthy and active.
The health and wellbeing of our Tuupuna
Awa is restored.
Tribal members are well educated,
qualified and prepared to engage
at all levels of society.
Tribal members are benefitting
from the development of targeted
employment opportunities.
transforming our whare
Tribal reo, tikanga and heritage is
preserved for future generations.
Governance structures and constitutional
arrangements support tribal development.
strategic initiatives 2016-2018
Governance and representation
review completed.
Outstanding claims progressed
in collaboration withWaikato-Tainui
marae and hapuu.
Tribal housing initiative in place.
Financial education and information
workshops available to whaanau,
hapuu and marae.
Rangatahi and Taurahere strategy
implemented. Annual rangatahi
leadership camps initiated.
Hopuhopu redevelopment
stage two initiated.
Waikato-Tainui diversification
investment strategy meeting
Shareholder requirements.
Sustainable employment and
training opportunities made available
to tribal members.
Relationships with partners
result in employment.
Marae asset management plan in place.
Native Nursery and Koi Carp initiatives
fully operational. LakeWaikare restoration
project completed. Tai Tumu, Tai Pari,
Tai Ao Iwi Environmental Plan being
implemented.Waikato River fisheries
bylaws being monitored.
Waikato-Tainui Games, Matariki,
Rangatahi Summit, and Te Tira Hoe held.
Events to mark the first 20 years since
settlement of the Raupatu
claim completed.
Ko te mana maatauranga theWaikato-
Tainui education plan being implemented.
'One team, one direction’ culture
and capability embedded across the
Waikato-Tainui group.
Results based accountability scorecard
with signposts developed and used to
report progress.
The framework below outlines the strategic approach that we are taking to achieve the high level goals and
aspirations of Whakatupuranga 2050. It also highlights a number of strategic initiatives to be accomplished over the
next three years.
str ategi c obj ect i ves 2016
annual report 2015