The Board of the
Waikato River
The Board of the Waikato
River Authority consists of ten
members being made up of
five Crown appointees and five
iwi appointees (from the five
Waikato River iwi).
The co-governance
arrangement focuses on
the primary purpose of the
Authority being to:
• Set the primary direction,
through the Vision and
Strategy, to achieve the
restoration and protection
of the health and wellbeing
of the Waikato River for
future generations;
• Promote the integrated,
holistic and co-ordinated
approach to the
implementation of the
Vision and Strategy and the
management of the Waikato
River; and
• Fund rehabilitation initiatives
for the Waikato River in
its role as trustee for the
Waikato River Clean-up Trust.
In addition the Board
• The function and activities of
the Waikato River Authority;
• The function and activities
of the Waikato River Clean-
up Trust, including the
distribution of clean-up funds;
• The monitoring of the
finances of the Authority
and the Clean-up Trust;
• The creation of the long-
term endowment fund to
enable clean-up funding
post 2040 (when Crown
funding ceases).
Vanessa Eparaima
Iwi Appointee – Raukawa
Alan Livingston
Crown Appointee
Roger Pikia
Iwi Appointee – Te Arawa
Deputy Co-Chair/Chair
Investment Committee
Jenni Vernon
Crown Appointee
Deputy Co-Chair
Traci Houpapa
Crown Appointee
Weo Maag
Iwi Appointee – Maniapoto
Peter Buckley
Crown Appointee
Heemi Biddle
Iwi Appointee – Tuwharetoa
Tukoroirangi Morgan
Iwi Appointee – Waikato Tainui
Hon John Luxton
Crown Appointee
Waikato River Authority
Five Year Report