The Waikato River Authority has provided essential leadership in the
long-term journey to restore the Waikato River.
Hamilton City Council
has worked closely with the Authority across a range of relationships
to help achieve the Vision and Strategy.
The Authority has been a key stakeholder in the Hamilton City River
Plan project and part of the core team in producing the plan.
The Council also appreciates the funding made available to the city
annually to progress initiatives aligned with the Vision and Strategy.
Richard Briggs
CEO, Hamilton City Council
As the industry body for dairy farmers,
has been involved with
the Waikato River Authority since its inception. We have been joint
funders of a range of projects aimed at enhancing the water quality
of the Waikato River. The quality of partnership we have been able to
develop with the Authority is testimony to its strength as a leadership
body. Our organisation has found the Authority to be professional,
positive and focused on results – demonstrating a significant focus on
building relationships that will deliver projects that make a difference.
The Authority is an efficient and effective organisation. It has been very
rewarding to work with them to realise the region’s vision for the
Waikato River.
Tim Mackle
Chief Executive, DairyNZ
By partnering with the
Waikato River Authority,
the Trust has been able
to grow and expand its
range of educational and
practical ‘how to’ guides
and resources for river
and wetland restoration,
enable new partnerships
with maaori landowners
and iwi, and to continue
to undertake hands on
practical ecological
restoration work in priority
peat lakes within the wider
Waikato River catchment.
Nick Edgar
CEO, NZ Landcare Trust
Genesis Energy
has found the Waikato
River Authority a supportive, pragmatic
and effective partner. The Authority
remains engaged and supportive to
ensure success.
Together with the Authority and our
partners, Genesis Energy looks forward
to seeing further positive project
outcomes to build on the restoration
efforts of many and contribute to the
health and wellbeing of the river.
Tim McKenzie
Manager (Thermal),
Genesis Energy Environmental
Initially our neighbours thought
it was impossible to restore
health to the waterways and
swamp that surround our area,
but because of the backing and
support of the Waikato River
Authority they have seen a dead
and stagnant stream revitalised
into a vibrant flowing waterway
with numerous spawning
ponds and thousands of native
plants replacing the infestation
of willows and pampas.
This has lead to a number
of neighbouring farmers
undertaking similar projects.
Stu Muir
Waiuku dairy farmer
Waipa District Council
commends the
Waikato River Authority for the progress
it has made in the last five years. Through
good governance and strong leadership
it has been able to bring together a
number of groups increasing focus around
improving the Waikato and Waipa rivers.
We have found our relationship with the
Authority to be highly constructive and
has allowed us to progress significant
wetland and peat lake projects that would
otherwise have been difficult to fund. We
have also engaged with the Authority on
policy issues in relation to our proposed
District Plan and have found their
approach constructive, timely and helpful.
Jim Mylchreest
Mayor, Waipa District
The Waikato River Authority has responded
to the Vision and Strategy by providing
leadership, direction and support to
stakeholders. The
Waikato District Council
in conjunction with other partners has been
able to utilise funds from the Authority in
order to advance the collective aims. The
Authority has built strong relationships
with a range of stakeholders. Through these
relationships, collective action has been
initiated to address the health of the river.
The work of the Authority is progressing but
is not complete; this is a long term project
that requires consistent and long term
direction and oversight. The Waikato River
Authority provides the oversight
and direction.
Gavin Ion
Chief Executive,
Waikato District Council
The partnership between the Waikato Regional Council and the
Waikato River Authority amplifies the effectiveness of iwi, stakeholder
and community efforts to achieve the restoration and protection of
the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River for future generations.
Through this partnership we contribute the policy tools, the funding,
expertise, relationships, networks and governance relationships to make
enduring changes to the way we care for the Waikato River to enhance
environmental, economic, cultural and community outcomes.
Kia kaha tonu tatou kia whakatinana nga wawata a nga tipuna.
Vaughan Payne
Chief Executive, Waikato Regional Council
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River