Effectiveness of the principle
Our review identifies the changing
environment to which the Authority needs
to respond, and the challenge of managing
increasing pressure on the Waikato and
Waipa River catchment from competing uses,
and the complex, cross-cutting and multi-
generational nature of the issues.
Overall, the Authority is well placed after
its first five years of operation. We endorse
the Authority’s leadership mandate as
spelled out in the Vision and Strategy. As
a co-governance entity, the Authority has
demonstrated that Crown/iwi post Treaty
settlement arrangements can be successful.
The Authority is realistic in delivering on
the Vision and Strategy for the river. Overall
the Authority and the Board is well placed in
ensuring its organisational planning, systems,
structure and practices support the Vision
and Strategy. Audit NZ reports highlight high
compliance with the legislative requirements
for the Board.
The key to the success of restoration will be
to change people’s attitudes and behaviour.
This requires a significant effort to engage
with the community, industry, and local
government. If people understand and
support the objectives of restoration then it
is more likely to be successful.
Understanding and support comes through
‘hands on’ involvement in restoration and
protection and making greater use of the
river, river banks, lakes, wetlands, etc. As
such, the clean-up funding initiatives of the
Authority are key to engineering restoration
and protection.
The co-governance and co-management
with iwi regarding the protection and
enhancement of the Waikato and Waipa
River has had the positive effect of iwi
working alongside the local authorities
and developing a healthy joint working
There is a growing acceptance that everyone
needs to work together to promote the
river’s health and therefore broadcasting
what is happening now is important and
will assist in gaining further buy-in. It will
also help the Authority influence others.
In this regard a particular area where the
Authority needs to focus development is on
monitoring of progress in achieving on the
promise of the Vision and Strategy, and living
up to expectations of the Authority. In this
regard the five year review report will be the
hallmark of first reporting of the Waikato and
Waipa River Report Card – a project funded
under the Clean-Up Fund. These Report Cards
will measure the success of current and
future restorative actions.
The Authority also needs to deliver on its
promise of the Waikato River and Waipa
River Restoration Strategy, which can only
be led by the Authority. It must acknowledge
its funding limitations and prioritise
improvements according to what is required
to underpin longer-term strategy. It must also
provide leadership in setting priorities that
all can agree upon. The Waikato River and
Waipa River Restoration Strategy will also
contain some significant implications for the
Authority’s future business and delivery.
Waikato River Authority
Five Year Report