The implementation,
effectiveness and
achievement of the
Vision and Strategy
The Vision and Strategy is the primary
direction-setting document for the Waikato
and Waipa rivers.
The Vision and Strategy must be ‘given effect
to’ by regional and district plans within the
rivers’ catchments.
The Authority is responsible for promoting
an integrated, holistic, and co-ordinated
approach to the implementation of the
Vision and Strategy and the management of
the Waikato River.
The Vision and Strategy for the Waikato
River is an essential component of the
Waikato Region’s statutory planning
framework. The weight that the document
has been accorded is significant and is
generally being interpreted as such. Whilst
understanding and implementing the
document has presented challenges to
policy makers, there is in general, a positive
approach being taken by local authorities
towards the Vision and Strategy.
The Authority has monitored the progress of
all policy developments by local authorities
and promoted the Vision and Strategy
where appropriate.
The Authority has chosen not to make formal
submissions on planning documents but has
rather chosen to engage in pre-consultation
activities to ensure the Vision and Strategy
is adequately reflected in the regional and
district planning documents under the RMA.
The Authority has relied on the river iwi to
express their views separately and has been
there to support their actions. This early
engagement approach has positive effects
for both parties in being able to cut costs of
consultation and appeals to the Environment
Court because iwi are now involved formally
at the beginning of the decision-making
process through the presence of the Vision
and Strategy.
There has been some observed inconsistent
understanding of the direction sought by
the Vision and Strategy by local authorities.
The degree to which active change has been
undertaken to review plans to “give effect”
to the Vision and Strategy and not just ensure
plans are “not inconsistent” with the Vision
and Strategy is mixed.
The Authority has engaged with all local
authorities within the Waikato catchment
over the intent and implementation of
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River