achievements of
the Authority
Significant achievements of the Authority in
the first five years of operations include:
• adoption and annual review of a Funding
Strategy for the Clean-Up Fund;
• allocation of more than $27m to 169
clean-up projects in five funding rounds;
• a 97.5% success rate in achieving
funding outcomes;
• creation and growth of a long term
investment fund;
• review of the Vision and Strategy;
• a partnership agreement between the
Authority and Waikato Regional Council
ensuring a joint approach to restoring and
protecting the Waikato and Waipa Rivers;
Focus going forward
Our review highlights the focus of the
Authority going forward should be:
• completion of the Waikato River and
Waipa River Restoration Strategy;
• to review the Vision and Strategy after
assessing the outcome of the Healthy
Rivers Plan Change process;
• maintaining governance stability;
• a new mix of clean-up funding that
contains both targeted requests
for tenders and the general call for
applications as currently occurs;
• identifying future sources of funding
for clean up from industry and local
government above business-as-usual, by
continuing the approach to strategy led
funding initiatives.
• inclusion of the Vision and Strategy
within the Proposed Waikato Regional
Policy Statement;
• input into District Plan reviews;
• being part of Te Roopuu Hautuu (project
steering group) for the Healthy Rivers
Plan Change;
• an integral participant in the Waikato
Economic Joint Venture Project, where
the Authority CE served as chair;
• review and change of Board members;
• implementation of a communication
strategy to highlight the role of the
Authority using multiple channels
e.g. website, newsletters, speaking
engagements and award sponsorship;
• establishing the Authority in a new
premises at 21 Rostrevor Street,
Hamilton, during 2013/14 to help define
its own identity;
• supporting the Ballance Farm
Environment Awards;
• formation of the Waikato River and
Waipa River Restoration Forum;
• initiation of the Waikato River and Waipa
River Restoration Strategy;
• undertaking this review of the work
achieved since the Authority’s
establishment in late 2010;
• appointment of 15 commissioners to
resource consent hearings in relation to:
• water takes
• roading projects
• river bed structures
• coal mining
• landfill.
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River