Five Year Report:
The Waikato River Authority is
required, as part of it’s enabling
legislation, to report at least
every five years to the Crown,
Waikato-Tainui and the other
appointers (the other river iwi
Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa, Raukawa
and Maniapoto).
The Authority is
required to report on:
• The carrying out,
effectiveness and
achievement of its
principal function;
• The implementation,
effectiveness and
achievement of the Vision
and Strategy;
• The implementation,
effectiveness and
achievement of the clean-
up initiatives funded by the
Waikato River Clean-up Trust;
• This Five Year Report covers
the period of 25 November
2010 through to 25
November 2015.
Agreement in
principle on Waikato
River claim
Crown and Waikato-Tainui reach an
Agreement in Principle regarding
the outstanding claim to the Waikato
River. This agreement included
the formation of the Guardians
Establishment Committee to
develop a Vision and Strategy
for the Waikato River.
Enabling legislation
for Waikato River
Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims
(Waikato River) Settlement Act 2010
and the Ngaati Tuwharetoa, Raukawa
and Te Arawa River Iwi Waikato
River Act 2010 passed into law as
enabling legislation for the Waikato
River Authority.
Maniapoto included
in Vision and
Ngaa Wai o Maniapoto (Waipa River)
Act 2012 is passed into legislation
extending the boundaries for the
Vision and Strategy to include all of
the Waipa River.
Five Year Report to
Crown and river iwi
Waikato River Authority prepares
first Five Year Report to Crown
and river iwi.
Preparation of the first whole of
catchment Report Card for the
Waikato and Waipa rivers.
Establishment of
Clean-up Trust and
Waikato River Authority and Waikato
River Clean-up Trust established.
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River