100 ferrets, weasels and stoats
removed in the last 18 months.
There are now hundreds of bait
stations in place.
The Muirs are immensely proud
of what they have been able to
achieve in five years.
“When we started people
thought we were crazy and
that the job was too big to
tackle. With the support of
the Waikato River Authority
we started small but we are
now seeing a big improvement
in the environment in the
areas we’ve been working to
restore,” he says.
As well as making a difference
to the native flora and fauna,
the Muirs have set an example
that others are following.
Neighbouring farmers and
local iwi and working together
to take on more of the choked
streams to bring life back to
the river.
The Muirs efforts have also
been seen beyond their local
community. The tangible
nature of their success has
been featured in the national
news media as an example
of what can be achieved.
This year has also seen their
work featured in a television
documentary on Country
Calendar, helping to showcase
the effectiveness of their work
to an even wider audience.
Waikato River Authority Five Year Report