A key planning project for the Waikato River Authority in the last five
years has been to provide funding to advance the preparation of the
Waipa Catchment Plan. This now completed Plan provides 20-year goals
for the catchment, outlines strategies to achieve the goals, and contains
actions that are primarily focused on catchment priorities.
A Plan
for the Waipa catchment
The Waipa Catchment Plan
provides an important input
into Waikato River Authority’s
Funding Strategy and a
template for the whole of
catchment Five to Fifteen
year Waikato and Waipa River
Restoration Strategy.
Ngaruawahia is of particular
focus for the Waikato River
Authority, being the most
degraded part of the Waikato
River. It will not be possible to
see a tangible improvement
in the lower Waikato without
first improving the Waipa.
The Waipa River’s major issue
is poor clarity caused by
sediment, and the Waipa is the
biggest contributor of sediment
to the Waikato River.
The Waipa Catchment Plan
is being implemented in
partnership with Waipa
and Waikato river iwi and
catchment stakeholders, and
will actively involve the
wider community.
In 2012 the Waikato River
Authority contributed
$100,000 of funding to
advance the work by the
Waikato Regional Council
in developing the Waipa
Catchment Plan. The Plan was
completed in 2014.
“In 2012 the Waikato River Authority contributed
$100,000 of funding to advance the work by the Waikato
Regional Council in developing the Waipa Catchment
Plan. The Plan was completed in 2014.”
The Plan contributes directly to
the implementation of Te Ture
Whaimana o te Awa o Waikato
(the Vision and Strategy for the
Waikato River) and the Healthy
Rivers Plan Change currently
under development. The Plan
provides a roadmap for the
protection and restoration
of the Waipa River, ensuring
its health and wellbeing,
and in turn contributing to a
healthier Waikato River below
Ngaruawahia. The improvement
of the Waikato River below
Case study
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River