Kurt and Katharina Bucher
$31,943.75 Totara Downs – wetland restoration
Auckland Waikato Fish and
$172,500.00 Eastern Whangamarino wetland restoration
DairyNZ and Waikato Regional
Development of a 5-15 Year Waikato Catchment Restoration
DairyNZ Ltd
Wetland restoration with ongoing monitoring and reporting of
on-farm nutrient attenuation outcomes
DairyNZ Ltd
Waipa Sustainable Milk Plan Delivery – supporting Waipa dairy
farmers in reducing impacts on the catchment
Hamilton City Council
Support for private gully restoration activities within Hamilton
JD & RD Wallace
$31,092.00 Te Awakoura waterway restoration
Lincoln University/St Peters
Supporting wetland restoration and waterway planting in
conjunction with the St Peter’s Dairy Farm Environmental
Education & Monitoring Project
Lower Waikato River
Enhancement Society
Incorporated (Waikato
Waikato RiverCare – priority waterway and wetland restoration
projects on the lower Waikato River and catchments
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care
Group Incorporated
Riparian planting on the Mangakotukutku Stream
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care
Group Incorporated
$10,000.00 Riparian planting at Resthills Park
Mangapiko Stream Care Group $57,328.00 Riparian planting along the Lower Mangapiko Stream
National Institute of Water and
Atmospheric Research
Educational aspects of demonstrating a culturally appropriate
improved wastewater treatment alternative for use within the
Waikato River catchment
National Institute of Water
and Atmospheric Research Ltd
Development of a catchment wetland inventory and methodology
for determining the restoration potential of wetlands
New Zealand Farm Environment
Incorporation of a Waikato Catchment Health and Well-being
section within the Waikato Ballance Farm Environment Awards
Ngati Haua Mahi Trust
$100,000.00 Undertaking main stem riparian planting at St Peters school
Ngati Haua Mahi Trust
$120,000.00 Maniapoto Pa Restoration project
Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa
Runanga Trust
$22,865.00 Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa Iwi Capacity Development
Nikau Family Estate Trust (NFET) $150,000.00 Restoration of the Matahuru Wetland Lake Waikare
NJ & LM Williams Dairy Farm $125,000.00 Maungatautari Wetland Restoration
Queen Elizabeth II National
Undertaking protection and restoration activities within the
catchment that feeds Lake Maratoto
Recipients 2014
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River