Recipients 2012
NIWA-Waikato Raupatu River
Restoration of whitebait habitat in the lower Waikato River.
Comprehensive plan and overview of restoration work.
Te Awa River Ride Charitable
Linking Community culture and ecology through active
experiences and river access
Waikato River Trails Trust
Continuation of the River Enhancement and Community
Awareness Project.
Whaingaroa Harbourcare Inc
$170,881.00 Lower Waipa River & Tributaries – Riparian Planting
NIWA-Waikato Raupatu River
$331,525.00 Restoration of Waikato Islands – Maurea Islands
NIWA-Waikato Raupatu River
$323,730.00 Waikato River Restoration Report Cards and Monitoring tool
Ngaati Haua Mahi Trust
$266,728.00 Mangaonua Stream (Gully System) Restoration Project 2013
Trees for Survival Trust
Education Project with local schools to grow and plant natives for
riparian planting
Waikato Regional Council
$100,000.00 20 year Waipa River Catchment Plan
Ngaati Tahu-Ngaati Whaoa
Runanga Trust
Wilding Pine Control within Orakei Korako/Red Hills Tutukau
Forest and Lower Mangatoetoe Stream
Department of Conservation
$181,253.00 Restoration and enhancement of Lake Areare
Waipa District Council
$138,500.00 Waipa River Margin Restoration
Solid Energy NZ Ltd & Waahi
Whaanui Trust
$95,000.00 Kimihia Restoration Project
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
$101,500.00 Fisheries Plan
Tauhara North No2 Trust
Puurua Reserve and the adjoining true right bank of the Waikato
River – Aratiatia Taupo
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
$75,000.00 Environmental Management Plan
Lower Waikato River
Enhancement Society Inc
$65,970.00 Restore riparian ecosystems along lower Waikato River margins
Nga Uri a Maahanga
Reclamation and native revegetation around the urupa of Pehi
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River