Hamilton City Council
$50,000.00 Natural areas streams restoration programme
Hamilton City Council
$50,000.00 Gully Restoration Programme
Waikato District Council
$49,999.00 Waikato and Waipa River riverbank Planting
Waahi Whaanui Trust
$46,000.00 Yellow Flag Iris Eradication Project (Huntly – Rangiriri)
Waikato University
$45,000.00 Oranga Lake Remediation & Education
Waahi Pa
$44,250.00 Waahi Stream Riparian Enhancement
Stuart Muir
$26,941.00 Restore and enhance habitat for inanga to spawn
He Kura ki Waikato Trust
$25,220.00 Pest Plant Eradication and native revegetation
Lower Mangapiko Stream Care
Lower Mangapiko Stream Restoration, Pest Plant removal and
Riparian planting
Cambridge Primary School
$18,975.00 Cambridge Primary riverbank Project
Dairy NZ & Boffa Miskell
$18,690.00 Riparian Planting – farmer outreach programme
Queen Elizabeth II National
Harker Reserve Fencing Project
Mangapiko Farmer explains the
clean-up story on his farm
Mangapiko Farmer Doug Smith explains the clean-up story on his
farm at an open day to view progress. Thousands of native plants
will be put in place on his property in the coming winter.
Waikato River Authority
Five Year Report