Te Ture Whaimana
The Vision is for a future where a healthy Waikato River sustains abundant life and prosperous
communities who, in turn, are all responsible for restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of
the Waikato River, and all it embraces, for generations to come.
This Waikato River Authority Report Card
summarises where we are on the journey
towards meeting the aspirational objectives
of the Vision and Strategy, Ture Whaimana
o Te Awa o Waikato.
Report Cards are gaining popularity
internationally as a communication tool
because they:
• Use a simple familar format
• Synthesise complex information into
simple key messages for a broad audience
• Engage the community and provide
accountability for environmental
management and restoration actions
The Waikato River Catchment Report Card
• Builds on the analysis in the Waikato River Independent Scoping Study
• Framework was guided by an advisory roopu comprising representatives from five Waikato River
iwi. Waikato River iwi cultural values underpin the Report Card framework
• Is structured around eight taura (strands of a rope) that together capture aspirations of the
Vision and Strategy (Te Ture Whaimana) for restoration of the health and wellbeing of the river
and its people
• Each taura essentially equates to a high level or “mega-value set” such as kai that support cultural,
recreational and commercial harvest. Each taura is then broken down into smaller strands or
value sub-sets for example koura and tuna. Below this level are a number of indicators that in
combination can be used to describe the state of each value sub-set
• This version of the Report Card has been populated using available information (e.g., regional
council and scientific monitoring programmes) and the best professional judgement of personnel
who have worked in the catchment for many years (including Waikato Regional Council, Fish &
Game and NIWA)
• At the time of populating the Report Card, not all indicator information was available.
The framework is flexible to incorporate the addition of this information in future versions
of the Report Card
• Processes and underlying data that underpin the on-going development of the Report Card
have been documented to allow deeper investigation and support future Report Card updates
(anticipated to be five yearly).
This Report Card was developed by NIWA,
Diffuse Sources Ltd and the Waikato Raupatu
River Trust.
Information for the Report Card was obtained either
directly or indirectly (e.g., from website information)
from the following organisations: Waikato Regional
Council, Waikato District Council, Waipa District
Council, South Waikato District Council, Otorohanga
District Council, Waitomo District Council, Taupo
District Council, Hamilton City Council, Watercare,
Fish and Game NZ, NIWA, DoC, Te Araroa Trail, Te Awa
Trail, Waikato River Trails, and the Report Card Roopu
involving representatives from Te Arawa, Tuwharetoa,
Raukawa, Waikato-Tainui and Maniapoto.
We have endeavoured to use the information
appropriately and take responsibility for the
scores derived.
About this Report Card
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River