Recipients 2011
DairyNZ Limited
Reduce nutrient loads, sedimentation and faecal microbe in
the Upper Karapiro catchment by implementing auditable
Environmental Management Plans
GHD Limited
To provide an interactive GIS web based tool to assist the WRA in
overseeing water quality and ecological restoration initiatives
National Wetland Trust of New
Zealand Inc
Promote Rotopiko/Lake Serpentine as a showcase site for visitors,
education, training and research
A project carried out by NIWA to research the number of koura
present in the upper Waikato River.
NZ Landcare Trust
Community Catchment Restoration Action Plan for the
Rotomanuka Lakes
Raukawa Charitable Trust
Stage Two. Produce an iwi fisheries plan for Area B of the Waikato
Raukawa Charitable Trust
Raukawa Environment Management Plan
Solid Energy NZ & Waahi
Whanui Trust
Kimihia Restoration Project – to restore riparian vegetation, long
term outcome to increase adult whitebait
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
Develop cultural framework based on Te Araw River Iwi
Matauranga which will be used to implement environmental
restoration and management within Te Arawa River Iwi Trust tribal
Te Awa River Ride Charitable
Architectually landscaped cycle trailway creating access to the
river. Three year project
Kanae Kakariki Trust
Vegetation Management Plan – clearing exotic and invasive trees
and plants on Waikato River bank
Tonkin Taylor &
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care
Development of urban stream restoration demonstration sites in
Hamilton City
Waikato Regional Council
Carp-N Neutral Pilot Project at Lake Waikare. The construction
and delivery of a mobile digester to Lake Waikare. Supply to
community groups for propagating native plants
Waikato River Care – Lower
Waikato River Enhancement
Society Inc
Restoration of riparian ecosystems at three sites along the
margins of the Lower Waikato River
Waikato River Trails Trust
Further development of Waikato River trails in South Waikato
together with riparian protection
Waikato-Tainui College for
Research and Development
Collate Waikato-Tainui maatauranga Maaori and Science
understandings of the Waikato River, develop into educational
resources to be located on The Science Learning Hub website
Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui
Develop Waikato-Tainui iwi management plan
Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui,
Waahi Whaanui Trust and
Genesis Power
Holistic restoration of Lake Waahi, through pest control and
riparian habitat enhancement
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River