Eel Enhancement Company Ltd $11,500
Assess the opportunity for quality eel production from Lake
Eel Enhancement Company Ltd $34,500
Assess the opportunity for increased quality eel production from
Lake Whangape
Hamilton Fish & Game
Lake Koromatua restoration programme of waterway and reserve
Landcorp Farming Limited
Removal of car bodies from river
Mangakotukutuku Puna Koiora
Extend the care of the Mangakotukutuku Stream with particular
emphasis on maatauranga Maaori to restore and protect the
indigenous biodiversity
New Zealand Farm Environment
Creation of a WRA Award as part of the Waikato Balance Farm
Environment Awards
Ngaa Muka Development Trust
Construct a water quality assessment tool based on maatauranga
maaori and western science
Ngaati Haua Mahi Trust
Cultural mapping of Ngati Haua rohe – heritage places, sites and
NZ Landcare Trust
Produce a bi-lingual Waikato River Catchment Guide
Oruanui 9/10 Farm Block
Education and restoration of sustainable dairy farming practices
on Oruanui 9/10 Farm Block
Raukawa Charitable Trust
Stage One. Development of a framework and template for a
Raukawa Fisheries Plan in Area B of the Waikato River
Raukawa Charitable Trust
Demonstrate a measurable reduction in the farming footprint of
the Te Raparahi Lands Trust by developing a sustainable farming
Raukawa Charitable Trust
Restore and enhance two wetlands. One on Jack Henry Road in
Area B, and the other Ongaroto Road wetland within the Raukawa
SMP Muir Family Trust
Muir family restoration of whitebait habitat near Waiuku
Waipa District Council
Council assisted by iwi and community groups wish to make
Matakitaki Pa site a showcase heritage site. Planting, wetland and
Pa restoration, visitor access
Restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River